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What is Energy Healing?


Updated: Mar 31, 2024

Energy Healing has many forms and traditions of practice. Reiki is perhaps the most well known in the Western World today, but is just one of many systems used to influence and work with the energy bodies.

What is the Energy Body?

Recognized through ancient times, our energy body is the individually manageable form of energy that infuses and informs our physical body. Within this energy body are rivers of energy named and mapped differently by varying traditions (meridians, Nadis, Sen, etc) each with important points of gateways that can be treated with pressure, herbs, heat and cold, oils, etc to induce efforts on a person's emotional, mental, and physical experience in this world. There is also an understanding that humans and animals have energy centers, also with varying names, but most famously called Chakras after the Sanskrit word for Wheel or Circle.

Our energy bodies are affected by all levels of experience.

Physical: by what we eat, see, touch, hear, and how we move and interact with others.

Emotional: by what we take in through music and sound, what we see and feel and how we interpret our experiences.

Mental: by what we allow ourselves to think, believe, and repeat to ourselves as conscious or unconscious affirmations

In science, it is finally recognized as the biofield, though this is only recently. It is described as a field of energy and informations that regulates the homeodynamic functions of living organisms and may play a substantial role in understanding and guiding health processes.

Star Wars made the understanding of the energy world and our connection to it famous through the Jedi's understanding of the Force - an energy that flows to you and through you and connects all things.

It is now understood through not only indigenous and ancient communities, but through most of the modern world, that our energy body s a vital part of health and wellbeing. We use phrases like, high-energy workout, feeling low-energy, that thing drains my energy, that person is an energy vampire, etc.

We know we have energy, and we can amp it up with coffee or sugar, and dumb it down with depressants, but is there more we can do to modulate our energy and how it affects us? Are there more long-term beneficial systems that can not only raise or lower our vibration, depending on whats needed, but to clean the energy so it can work more efficiently within our field?

The answer is yes, there are many. Just as there are many foods to ingest and each one has slightly different effects, it is good to know what energy work does what so that one can make an educated decision about what their energy body needs right now.

Different forms of Energy Healing

There are many forms and traditions of energy healing. Some systems use contact with the body for energy work, but many are practices without physical contact.

There is no right or wrong way to do energy work in form, however it is vital that the energy is correct for you. This means that the environment must be safe and condusive for your relaxation and ability to surrender control. The practitioner must be ethical, have good intentions for you, and know how to get "out of the way" so that you may receive the healing without the practitioner's ego or story getting in the way.

It is very important that you feel safe and connected with your practitioner. If the feeling is not right, or you just don't seem to be on the same level, I urge you to end the session, and wait until to find a more harmonious connection.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is an ancient tradition that cleans, clears, and harmonizes the energy body. This modality can be performed with a multitude of healing sound instruments including drums, chimes, crystal singing bowls, tingshas, Tibetan metal bowls, tuning forks and more. The sounds create a strong harmonic frequency that brings the disharmony frequencies present in the body into alignment, often releasing pain, stress, or mental strain.

Energy healing often will include adjustments to the chakras, or major energy centers of the body.

These chakras are energetic and can not be seen or touched physically, however they greatly affect the well-being of our physical body. For example when our solar plexus chakra is under stress, it can manifest as issues with the digestive organs not functioning well in their purposes, created problem with digestion and elimination, as well as feeling disempowered and having a lack of self-confidence.

Throat chakra imbalance could manifest as sore, swollen throat, as well as not being able to speak one’s truth.

Energy healing may also work with the meridian channels, nadis, sen lines, or other “energy river” systems that many cultures across the world have discovered in the human body.

Along these energy rivers are power points, that can be used to clear the energy line, or bring balance to an organ or function of the physical or emotional bodies. Most commonly known today are meridian lines and acu-points used in Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Acupressure.

Energies can be imbalanced in form, movement, direction, role, or amplitude. The goal of energy healing is to access and aid these energies to come back into harmony with the whole, that they may serve the individual, rather than inhibit them with their health, ease, and ability to more successfully forward in their life.

Seeing where energy is chronically imbalanced leads us to see patterns in our lifestyle or way of relating to others that needs to change for the sake of our body as whole.

The genius, Einstein, discovered that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form.

Energy is always in movement as it changes form or purpose. Because of the power of our minds and emotions, humans have the ability to manipulate the energies within us and around us. Most often, we are greatly unconscious of how we do this, and end up victims of our our unconscious manifestation.

Energy healing can help alleviate energies that are “stuck”, or caught in an unhealthy cycles (including the consciousness of separation), unbalanced, or not freely flowing. Energy to a certain area of the body or chakra may express as “low energy” and is seeking to be refilled and refueled. Other areas may be experiencing an excess of unprocessed energies, making it feel uncomfortably full. Headaches and other pains are caused by an imbalance of energy, either an excess or a depletion.

In the examples given in the beginning of this description, both are a result of depleted and stagnant energy. An excess stagnant solar plexus energy may result in heartburn, increased stomach bile, excessive anger, or the need to control a person, group, or situation to their benefit.

It can also affect the organs, often manifesting them as too hot, too full, or working too hard.

Excess in the throat chakra could result in a cough, phlegmy throat, or vocalization that is louder, and more forceful or expressive than is helpful or needed.

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In energy healing the form can also express are roles. We may have consciously or unconsciously assigned an aspect of our energy body to play a certain role, and that role may now have ceased to be helpful.

Reintegrating parts of ourselves that we have separated out due to trauma, confusion, or a desire to please others, is an essential part of owning our power. This gives us health and longevity, as it brings those energies back into harmony, where rather than fighting us, they become an ally and lend their support towards the demands of our life journey.

Taking on Others Energies

We can also take on energies that are not ours. We live in an energy soup, and many of us did not receive any outside education on how to maintain our own sovereign frequency. It is natural to blend and feel from others in order to have a human experience on earth, however it is a healthy function to be able to control your dial, opening your receptivity to others when safe and desired, and closing down, when not.

With training, we can learn to be receptive and also maintain our own sovereign state. With this, we can observe and understand without being absorbed and swept away by the other person’s frequency. We are swept off when we allow the frequency of the other to penetrate and infiltrate our bodies.

It is important to recognize, as children growing our energy bodies, that this process was important for us to experience, so that we might learn as much as possible, grow our emotional understanding, and enable our compassion and ability to feel empathy.

As adults, hopefully we have had a multitude of these experiences and now can choose which ones we will engage in, depending on what best serves our health, inspiration, and soul path.

Energy Detox

After energy healing one may feel light and free, or stable and grounded, expansive or totally present in their body. Whatever was needed for the benefit of the person’s energy body is what they will feel. Often stress, pain, and mental strain is alleviated.

Sometimes a detox process will follow. We all have different paths of detox. Some manifest in digestion (hungry, not hungry, sensitive to food, or different bowel movements), energy (high, low, variable, need lots of sleep, can’t sleep, etc), emotional state (giddy, depressed, angry, etc), or symptomatic (if the person came to relieve chronic headaches, they may get a douzy of a headache, which when cleared does not return again or for an extended time).

Be gentle with yourself and tend to the symptoms of your detox. Best to be aware that energy is moving out, changing, and transforming. Affirm this to yourself, so that you don’t get dragged into the mental fears that can accompany uncomfortable physical experiences.

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