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Targeted Treatments

TMJ and Dental Work Support

      This targeted treatment focuses on alleviating tension patterns connected to TMJ (Temporal Manibular Joint), the joint that connects the jaw to the skull and sits just in front of the ears. These tension patterns, left uninterrupted, contribute to TMD (Temporal Mandibular Disfunction).  

     Some symptoms of TMD include headaches and migraines, tension or pain in your jaw, head, neck, shoulders, or ears, pain when chewing, and difficulty opening or closing your mouth.


​​$100 for 45 minutes

$130 for 60 minutes

$160 for 75 minutes

$190 for 90 minutes​

Inside Out Facial Massageand Light Therapy

     The Inside Out Facial Massage starts by softening your facial muscles by melting tension away using intra oral TMJ release and buccanator massage.

Then, receive a gentle cleanse and exfoliation while building collegen with NuSkin's LumiSpa device and cleanser. Choose your facial oil, and it will be massaged with lifting strokes into your freshly plumed skin.

We finish with 15 minute LED light treatment for your face, while your hands and feet are gently massaged with hydrating lotion.


​​$110  for 45 minutes

$140 for 60 minutes


Add Infrared/Red Light Mitts and Booties for $20

Achey Feet Treatment

     This is an excellent treatment for anyone is who stands, walks, or runs in their life, anyone who experiences foot pain or has a loss of circulation in their feet. 


​​$60  for 45 min Treatment​

$90 with15 min Reflexology, Myofascial Release, or Massage Add-on for feet

$100 with 30 min Body Massage Add-on

​$130 for both

Achey Hand Treatment

     This is an excellent treatment for anyone is who uses their hands for detailed work, including computer work and skilled labor, or who experiences hand or wrist pain, or has a loss of circulation in their hands or fingers. 


​​$60  for 45 min Treatment​

$90 with15 min Reflexology, Myofascial Release, or Massage Add-on for feet

$100 with 30 min Body Massage Add-on

​$130 for both

Abdominal Massage withThai Herb Compress

   Abdominal Massage is a gentle massage that works patiently through layers of tissue, muscle, and organs with oil and a Thai Herb Compress to assist in gentle and supported detoxification and relief of tension. 


​$135 for 60 minutes

$165 for 75 min

$195 for 90 minutes

$225 for 105 minutes​

Tension Tamer

     This is a targeted treatment for your area of most tension.

Get right to the pain using stretching, Myofascial Release (MFR), Craniosacral Therapy (CST), massage, trigger point therapy, cupping, infrared heat, and other therapies may be used to help relieve tension in a specific area such as head, neck, and shoulders, or hips and low back, or feet and calves, etc.


​​$60 for 30 minutes

$90 for 45 minutes

$120 for 60 minutes

$150 for 75 minutes

$180 for 90 minutes

RenuSpa Microcurrent Inflammation Relief and Lymph Mover

NuSkin's Microcurrent Device RenuSpa is excellent for energized skin and tissues, flushed lymph fluid and reduced inflammation

     The Adaptive Microcurrent Technology comfortably adjusts to your skin in real time, offering a smooth and comfortable massage that helps your body feel refreshed and relaxed.

​Pain-relief is quick and easy.  For lasting benefits and the switch of "normal" repetition is key.

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$25 for 15 minutes

Pack of 3 $70

Pack of 5 $110

Pack of 10 $200

Pack of 15 $270

Pack of 20 $340

Ginger Moxibustion

      Ginger Moxibustion is a rare and incredibly beneficial treatment, blending the health benefits of a salve made from Chinese herbs chosen for their ability to speed the healing of tissues and move blood, warmed ginger to reduce swelling, and using fire to extract stuck toxic energy from an area of the body.


​​$40 for 15 minutes

$70 for 30 minutes​

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