Intuitive Bodywork
and Massage
Alexassage - Intuitive Massage and Bodywork Session
Alexa's intuitive massage matches whatever your body is requesting in each moment. Calling on her long experience of working with bodies both physically and energetically, she has developed an inner ear to hear what bodies are asking for, and deciphering messages coming through for her clients.
​​$60 for 30 minutes
$90 for 45 minutes
$120 for 60 minutes
$150 for 75 minutes
$180 for 90 minutes
$210 for 105 minutes
$240 for 120 minutes​
Visceral Manipulation
Jean-Pierre Barral's Visceral Manipulation allows the body to guide us to the area of greatest restriction, which is often in the viscera or organs, and works through gentle mobilization to increase the function of the organ, muscle, and connective tissue, allowing for greater health and vitality, optimal body functioning, ease, and release of tension.
​​$60 for 30 minutes
$90 for 45 minutes
$120 for 60 minutes
$150 for 75 minutes
​​$70 for 30 minutes
$105 for 45 minutes
$140 for 60 minutes
$175 for 75 minutes
$210 for 90 minutes
$245 for 105 minutes
$280 for 120 minutes​
​​$60 for 30 minutes
$90 for 45 minutes
$120 for 60 minutes
$150 for 75 minutes
$180 for 90 minutes
​​$70 for 30 minutes
$100 for 45 minutes
$130 for 60 minutes
$160 for 75 minutes
$190 for 90 minutes
$220 for 105 minutes
$250 for 120 minutes​
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a manual therapy that supports the Lymphatic System, a sister system to the circulatory system, that provides detoxification of waste products from metabolic processes, as well as the processing of stress in all its forms.
MLD supports your health and immunity through aiding in proper detox functioning.
​​$60 for 30 minutes
$90 for 45 minutes
$120 for 60 minutes
$150 for 75 minutes
$180 for 90 minutes
​​$60 for 30 minutes
$90 for 45 minutes
$120 for 60 minutes
$150 for 75 minutes
$180 for 90 minutes
$210 for 105 minutes
$240 for 120 minutes​
​​$70 for 30 minutes
$100 for 45 minutes
$130 for 60 minutes
$160 for 75 minutes
$190 for 90 minutes
$220 for 105 minutes
$250 for 120 minutes​
$130 for 60 minutes
$160 for 75 minutes
$190 for 90 minutes
$220 for 105 minutes
$250 for 120 minutes​