Targeted Treatments
TMJ and Dental Work Support
This targeted treatment focuses on alleviating tension patterns connected to TMJ (Temporal Manibular Joint), the joint that connects the jaw to the skull and sits just in front of the ears. These tension patterns, left uninterrupted, contribute to TMD (Temporal Mandibular Disfunction).
Some symptoms of TMD include headaches and migraines, tension or pain in your jaw, head, neck, shoulders, or ears, pain when chewing, and difficulty opening or closing your mouth.
TMD has multiple causes including traumatic force to the jaw or other areas of the body, internal stress creating habitual clenching or grinding, imbalance of hips, trauma to the pelvis, or inflammation such as arthritis.
Our whole body is connected and interwoven through fascia (connective tissue), as well as the rhythms expressed from the cerebral spinal flow up and down our spines, unifying our systems.
Therefore, it is necessary to address the fascia and connective pathways to alleviate TMD symptoms, as well as check in on the Craniosacral Rhythms.
Myofascial Release techniques are used in this targeted treatment to open the upper chest, shoulders, and neck, while external and internal work can be done for the muscles supporting the TMJ itself; muscles used daily for talking and chewing, clenching and grinding.
Intra oral massage is a very effective way of releasing tension within the whole system of the TMJ joint by targeting the muscles inside the mouth. Alexa wears a non-latex medical exam glove and works the internal mouth muscles gently with light pressure. This massage is carefully done and in no way is aggressive or painful. Further massage work can be done for the Buccinator muscles in the cheeks, as well as supra hyoid muscles in the lower jaw where the tongue rests.
Additional rebalancing of the maxilla and its rhythm with the cranial bones of the skull can be added using techniques of Craniosacral Therapy. This is an important step to assist with the tissues holding their softness and ease moving forward to a more long lasting solution. This session may need to be repeated depending on the severity of the issue.
​​$100 for 45 minutes
$130 for 60 minutes
$160 for 75 minutes
$190 for 90 minutes​